Promoting team & individual development and innovation for the current corporate
assignment. Identifying future enterprise aspirations and development gateways


Promoting team & individual development and innovation for the current corporate
assignment. Identifying future enterprise aspirations and development gateways

Coaching and Mentoring Program Content

Based on the audience and the company’s challenges, as well as collective aspirations, the program is developed to resolve a bespoke requirement. Therefore, the program may address any number of content areas that may include a number of the following topics:

Build on individual and collective strengths towards the corporate outcomes.

Align personal and corporate expectations.

Collaborate around the productivity agenda of the enterprise.

Understand how to grow within the enterprise.

Work ‘in the business’ verses ‘on the business’.

Increase personal productivity.

Why is Coaching Important?

No matter what field you are in, the principles of coaching remain the same.


Coaching in a business setting is like sports coaching. In sports, a coach guides an athlete to refine his or her techniques, pushes them to achieve optimum performance, provides support when they are exhausted and teaches the athlete tactics that their competition does not anticipate.


A sports coach will make you train harder than you would on your own, even when you don’t feel like it. A sports coach will ensure that your effort is maximised to achieve the greatest possible outcomes. A sports coach will tell it like it is and they will listen.


A business coach does many of the same things, but in a way that is focused on assisting a manager/leader achieve better performance. A good coach provides guidance, support, accountability and encouragement.


Coaching helps leaders/managers with their leadership and team building, management, marketing, sales and so much more. Most importantly, just like in sport, a good coach in business will ensure you focus on the game.

Why are DEFINING LEADERS Coaches Unique?

DEFINING LEADERS’ principals have decades of experience in leadership roles, across a broad range of environments, in the military, broader government, commercial and not-for-profit sectors. Their pragmatic approach to leadership is refreshing.


They will assist you to determine your priorities and develop plans to ensure your own development and growth. They will provide honest, direct and meaningful advice, ensuring that you stay on course, improve your performance in the areas that are important to you and develop the skills you require for advancement.


DEFINING LEADERS understands the challenges of leading in today’s complex and demanding environment and realises that leaders are generally time poor. Our coaching programs are:

  • Flexible to the client’s needs and aspirations.
  • Understanding of the fact that our clients are busy.
  • Focussed on tangible, short, medium and long term benefits.


Our coaches are available for consultation between planned coaching sessions.

Download the ‘Individual Coaching & Mentoring’ program overview today.

Get access to the facilitators, agenda, content and the programs outcomes.

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Focus Areas

Promote individual development for the current corporate assignment.

Identify innovative strategies.

Support quality contribution to a team.

Identify future enterprise aspirations and development pathways.

Differentiate between the urgent and the important

Prioritise and create time for strategic activities.


We guarantee our clients measurable improvement in business outcomes through superior leadership.

Our success is based on ensuring you achieve all of your individual and business goals.

This coaching program leads to:

Lasting improvement strategies.

Advancement and promotion.

A better work/life balance.

Improved self-awareness, and insight of personal strengths and weaknesses.

Identification and greater focus on the most important activities.

A better fit in the leadership team.

Better time management.

Improved understanding of strategic issues.

More enjoyment in the workplace.
